andrey logvin

Russian poster artist, graphic artist, graphic design and advertising designer. Academician of graphic design and member of the Alliance Graphique International (AGI).

Winner of more than 30 awards at international and Russian design and advertising competitions. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

It is presented in the reference book "Who is who in Graphic Design" (300 best designers in the world). In 2004, the Chinese publishing house Lignan Art Publishing House published the monograph "Andrey Logvin" on 165 pages.


● 2023 — 3SEX3, Cubed Gallery (Moscow)

● 2022 — FREE SPEECH TRIGGER, SlovoNovo Forum (Montenegro)

● 2021 — LOGVIN, EROS AND THANATOS, Zverev Center for Contemporary Art (Moscow)

● 2010 — PERSONAL EXHIBITION, Avla Gallery (Slovenia)

● 2008 — SOLO EXHIBITION, Gutenberg Museum in Fribourg (Switzerland)

● 2005 — joint exhibition with V. Chaika and Y. Surkov (Paris)

● 2003 — THE RETURN OF THE AMBER ROOM, Art Moscow, Central House OF Artists (Moscow)

● 2002 — LOGVIN, PERET, PLUTA, TARTAKOWER, Poster Museum (Warsaw)

● 2001 — K.KUJASALO, J.LIN, A.LOGVIN, R.TISSI, Lahti Art Museum (Finland)

● 2001 — GRAFIST 5, MSU Tophane i Amire Cultural Center Art Gallery (Istanbul)

● 2000 — GRAPHISTES AUTOR DU MONDE, Eshiroles (France)

● 2000 — ...NO, I AM!, XL-Gallery (Moscow)

● 1998 — U. G. SATO, KOJI MIZUTANI, ANDREI LOGVIN, Poster Museum (Warsaw)

● 1998 — THE END, XL Gallery (Moscow)

● 1998 — THE THREE. KITAEVA. LOGVIN. CHAIKA (Together with V. Chaika and E.Kitaeva), DNP Duo Dojima Gallery (About