about gallery
InGallery was founded by collector and philanthropist Inga Legasova in 2016.

The gallery's specialists regularly initiate new curatorial projects and present the best works of modern painters. These works respond the aesthetic and intellectual needs of the most experienced connoisseurs and collectors.

Painting of the second half of the 20th century is the basis of the InGallery's collection. During this period a new artistic paradigm was formed, which largely determined the aesthetic vectors of contemporary and conceptual art.

So, the legacy of this period is still in tune with the work of modern artists. Therefore, it is no coincidence that works of contemporary art appear in the semantic space of the Gallery, which is also in constant search of visual means and, in its own way, the artistic heritage of the last century.

The main purpose of the InGallery is to continue and comprehend this creative dialogue.

The gallery presents the creative heritage of recognized artists of the 20th century, and also collaborates with contemporary artists who were able to develop their own original imagery and non-standard, holistic visuals. Among these artists are Arseny Blinov, Mikhail Molochnikov, Karen Shakhverdyan.